Inventing, developing and improving
The passion for developing technological solutions in the sectors of medical technology and industrial products – or, briefly put, engineering ingenuity – represents the essence of Henke-Sass, Wolf. Ever since it was founded in 1921, the company has been deeply and intensively involved in research, development and design for reliable solutions in these sectors.
The calibrated glass metal cylindrical syringe was invented by us, for instance, and the disposable syringe was radically simplified. For decades now we have been an OEM manufacturer for the medical endoscopy sector. As a producer and specialist in micro-optics, we significantly improved the optics on rigid endoscopes and developed autoclavable endoscopes. And with Wenkert we have acquired a company that enhances our product portfolio in the medical endoscopy sector with optimal instruments.
Innovative, useful and consequently future proof technological solutions have turned Henke-Sass, Wolf into an internationally successful company. We continue to place our trust in engineering ingenuity for the future as well, and invest significantly in research, development and design.
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Keltenstrasse 1,
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1 Productos
Vacunación, material para
VIV Europe - Stand 10.C013
V-ETIC está conectando las industrias avícola, porcina, láctea y de carne proporcionando trazabilidad y cumplimiento electrónicos para satisfacer la creciente necesidad de administrar, seguir, rastrear, informar y analizar. Esta
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Vacunación, material para
Desde hace mucho tiempo, los sistemas de inyección de Henke-Sass Wolf han sido indispensables en el tratamiento de pequeños y grandes animales como vacas, caballos, cerdos, pescados, pollos, etc. La diversidad de productos y el diseño modular de los sistemas a
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