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1848 Productos

INDICACIONES Tratamiento de las enfermedades infecciosas provocadas por microorganismos Gram (+) y Gram (-) , micoplasmas y bacterias anaerobias sensibles a la enrofloxacina. Tratamiento y profilaxis de salmonelosis, colibacilosis, pasteurelosis, coriza infecciosa, micoplasmosis y CRD.
Tambor magnético DFRT
Tambor magnético DFRT
El tambor magnético DFRT de Bühler ha sido desarrollado para la separación eficaz de partículas ferrosas de productos granulares o harinosos. Se utiliza con éxito en la industria de procesamiento de piensos compuestos, en la molienda de harina y en molinos de aceite, así como en otros ámbitos de procesamiento de productos similares. Productos finales higiénicos...
This brown-egg laying hybrid which is internationally popular by virtue of its black feathers originates from America. Its egg producing capacity is excellent especially under small scale farming conditions. The economy of egg production can also be improved by regular control and adjustment of the following factors: * biological security and hygienic conditions * clean...
The autosexable TETRA-SL is selected for high performance under intensive and extensive conditions. So it is equally recommended for both large and small scale producers. The TETRA-SL brown-egg laying hybrid is internationally well known for its outstanding egg production and excellent egg quality. The total egg mass during 52 weeks is more than 21 kg. Owing to its extreme stress tolerance it is well...
The installation of your station of pulverization water filtration
The installation of your station of pulverization water filtration
The installation of your station of pulverization water filtration and additional services. The abatement of reagent and absorbent chemical components doses. What is a dose approved? It is the maximal dose authorized by the regulation. When a phytosanitary company approves an active matter, it has performed in all conditions of use. Assessment:...
Equipos para eviscerado de aves
Equipos para eviscerado de aves
MÁQUINAS DE EVISCERADO PARA AVICULTURA Si está buscando equipos de eviscerado para aves, está en el lugar correcto. Tenemos varios tipos de máquinas de eviscerado para avicultura en venta. Ejemplos: Meyn® Maestro 28 unidades cw 2149: Marca: MEYN® Máquina: Maestro Tipo de máquina: 28x6 Pitch: 6" Dirección:...
Dosatron mobiles App
Dosatron mobiles App
The Dosatron mobile app has been designed to help you quickly and easily: Find the information you need to support your pump. Know how to adjust your pump related to your specific environment. Get into contact with Dosatron Service and support. Be informed at any time of any updates, news, product development and exibitions. Access...
On the last day of the VIV Europe 2014, Diederik Fetter, director of Hotraco Group, was handed the Innovation Award Housing and Farming by the jury for the revolutionary and innovative Fortica touch screen poultry house computer. Completely different to earlier platforms and existing technologies, Hotraco Agri sets a new standard in design, versatility, computing power and user-friendliness...
ALIS was launched in January 2014. It was first showcased in the US at the IPPE show in Atlanta, subsequently at P&P (UK) and last week at VIV (Holland). It has been a huge success throughout. ALIS is an induction powered LED lighting system. The lamp is quickly and easily clipped to any part of the cable for a practical and flexible solution. This allows your lights to be placed and repositioned...
X-Treck es un concepto único que permite la eclosión en la granja en alojamientos de aves de en-gorde tradicionales. X-Treck proporciona un inicio óptimo que da como resultado aves de engorde robustas y conforma la base de una mayor rentabilidad de la producción de este tipo de aves. En X-Treck, se colocan bandejas incubadora con huevos incubados durante 18 días en un sistema de raíles...
Nuestros dosificadores están preparados para añadir productos en polvo, como pueden ser: FUNGICIDAS, BACTERICIDAS, ANTIAPELMAZANTES, ANTIOXIDANTES, ANTIBIÓTICOS, PIGMENTANTES, ANTIOXIDANTES, COLORANTES, INSECTICIDAS etc... CARACTERÍSTICAS DE NUESTROS DOSIFICADORES Están construidos en fibra de vidrio antiácida; Debido a su poco...

Un producto de RADEL

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Un sistema de control climático inteligente. Una localización central exterior. Múltiples beneficios. Más que un sistema HVAC. Es una inversión inteligente que da tranquilidad. Sistema de Control Climático Completo • Sistema de ventilación diseñado para controlar temperatura, humedad y presión estática, lo que asegura resultados óptimos...
Un sistema de control climático inteligente. Una localización central exterior. Múltiples beneficios. Más que un sistema HVAC. Es una inversión inteligente que da tranquilidad. Sistema de Control Climático Completo • Sistema de ventilación diseñado para controlar temperatura, humedad y presión estática, lo que asegura resultados óptimos...
CLEANchick®a lot of benefits in one unit Important topics for the modern hatchery. Thinking ahead is the best strategy. Improving the processes in every possible way. The latest result of Innovatec’s thinking ahead is the CLEANchick®. The CLEANchick® detects living embryos during the candling process. Only viable eggs will be hatched. Non viable eggs like...
Adaptive Metabolic Feedback™
Adaptive Metabolic Feedback™
La realimentación metabólica adaptativa (AMF™, por sus siglas en inglés) “Lee” continuamente las variables de tiempo en el metabolismo de un determinado lote de embriones, para adaptar los parámetros de control y poner a punto el ambiente de la incubadora de acuerdo a las necesidades de los embriones. La AMF™ ha sido desarrollada...
HatchCare - the Hatcher with Feed and Water In a hatcher, chicks hatch within a specific “hatch window”. During this period, it is a general accepted practice throughout most of the industry that the newly hatched chicks will have no access to feed or water. However, their bodies are in the process of intensive development, during which they need water...
Durante los primeros días de su vida (período de cría), el pollito no puede regular su propia temperatura corporal. Depende del clima que lo rodea, creado por nosotros (avicultores). En la industria avícola, se sabe lo difícil que resulta lograr temperaturas del aire, temperaturas del piso, velocidad del aire y niveles de humedad perfectos. El no controlar estas variables provoca el crecimiento lento...
The challenge: One of the main issues in poultry husbandry is efficient and sustainable animal production. Several factors such as raw material prices and increasing worldwide competition force farmers to optimize their production cycles. Moreover, farmers have to deal with animal welfare regulation, restriction of antibiotic usage and prevalence of infectious diseases.
The challenge: One of the main issues in poultry husbandry is efficient and sustainable animal production. Several factors such as raw material prices and increasing worldwide competition force farmers to optimize their production cycles. Moreover, farmers have to deal with animal welfare regulation, restriction of antibiotic usage and prevalence of infectious diseases....
The challenge: One of the main issues in poultry husbandry is efficient and sustainable animal production. Several factors such as raw material prices and increasing worldwide competition force farmers to optimize their production cycles. Moreover, farmers have to deal with animal welfare regulation, restriction of antibiotic usage and prevalence of infectious diseases.