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Egg Grab'n'Grade Alerta

Un producto de POULTRY HUB

    Fotos del producto Egg Grab'n'Grade de POULTRY HUB 1 Foto

  • POULTRY HUB - eggrabngrade.JPG

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An initiative of the Poultry CRC in Australia, Poultry Hub was developed to share just about anything to do with commercial poultry production. Students and educators from Australia and around the world are using Poultry Hub to learn about poultry and poultry production, stimulating interest in poultry science and hopefully dispelling some of the myths and misconceptions surrounding poultry production at the same time.

The site, initially set up using MediaWiki software, allowed a collaborative resource centre where people could contribute their knowledge and expertise about poultry. The Armidale-based Poultry CRC’s CEO, Professor Mingan Choct, said at the time, “Finally, people can visit a ‘one-stop-shop’ that lets them search for poultry-related information or chip in with their own bit of knowledge or expertise.” Poultry Hub has moved to the WordPress platform, whereby information can now only be added by registered users. If you’d like to contribute to Poultry Hub, please contact...

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