Broiler Signals Alerta
Un producto de Context Bookshop

by Maarten de Gussem, Koos van Middlekoop About this book: Broilers are fast growing animals that need constant care. There is no time for correcting mistakes; mistakes mean high costs. The prevention of mistakes is therefore crucial. Proper management starts with recognising signals in practice. For broiler-keepers, this means being alert when in the poultry house, watching and listening to the animals, paying attention to their environment and their behaviour as individuals and as a group. This usually provides important information about their animals’ health, well-being and production. This information helps poultry-keepers to improve their economic results, the well-being of their animals and their own. The book Broilers follows the life cycle of these fast growing animals. Every stage is discussed separately and points out an important issue specific to that stage. The focus lays on animal-oriented procedures, thus the book is vital for poultry-keepers and anyone involved in poultry on a regular basis. Contents: Introduction 1) Seeing more by looking more closely 2) The broiler's environment 3) Preparing for the new cycle 4) Week 1: Getting off to a good start 5) Week 2: Further growth and development 6) Week 3: Gut Health and development 7) Week 4: Focusing on breathing 8) Week 5: Leg quality 9) Final phase and slaughter 10) Parent birds
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Context Bookshop

Dr Wesley Ewing who is both an accredited nutritionist and a registered marketer started the Context Bookshop in the year 2000. Since the start of Context Bookshop he has worked alongside many leading nutritionists to produce specialist books in animal nutrition & also published titles such as the successful Directory series. The Context Bookshop also sells books for the leading animal nutrition publishers and all the books we sell are written by expert authors in their fields and are intended for professionals in each of the publishing areas
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