LIII Simposio Científico de Avicultura 2016 Alerta
Los días 29 y 30 de septiembre se celebrará en Zaragoza el 53º Simposio Cienfífico de Avicultura, con ponencias el jueves por la tarde, talleres y resumen de los mismos el viernes por la mañana. El número de ponencias y talleres será de cinco, fijando en 25 personas el aforo máximo por taller, lo que hará un total de 125 inscripciones.
Fotos del producto LIII Simposio Científico de Avicultura 2016 de WORLD'S POULTRY SCIENCE ASSOCIATION 1 Foto
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The World's Poultry Science Association is a long established and unique organization that strives to advance knowledge and understanding of all aspects of poultry science and the poultry industry. Its major role is to encourage, and help facilitate, liaison among research scientists and educators, and between those in research and education and those working in the many diverse sectors of the industry. As a non-profit making organization, it relies for its income almost entirely on membership subscriptions, although a number of poultry companies around the world provide generous sponsorship to help meet some of the production costs of the World's Poultry Science Journal.
With a large and truly international membership of 8,000, the organization's objectives are promoted in various ways. These range from high-profile international congresses and conferences to the many diverse meetings organized by WPSA national branches (of which there are about 80) and two federations of branches -...
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With a large and truly international membership of 8,000, the organization's objectives are promoted in various ways. These range from high-profile international congresses and conferences to the many diverse meetings organized by WPSA national branches (of which there are about 80) and two federations of branches -...
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