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Spray Chilling Alerta

Un producto de Dutch Poultry Technology

Dutch Poultry Technology - Spray Chilling Precio y disponibilidad

  • Spray chilling system with Undine 1- or 2-mixing chamber manifolds

  • Stainless steel protection shields

    Fotos del producto Spray Chilling de Dutch Poultry Technology 1 Foto

  • Dutch Poultry Technology - WP_20161114_14_33_06_Pross.png

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Dutch Poultry Technology

Dutch Poultry Technology
DUTCH POULTRY TECHNOLOGY B.V. is a Dutch manufacturing and engineering company specialized in the design, manufacturing and installation of cost-effective, reliable, easy to install and operate poultry processing solutions for processing 500 – 6000 birds per hour.
Our semi- and full automatic processing solutions are based on proven technology and 30+ years of automatic processing experience. Lean engineering and manufacturing greatly reduce production, installation and operation costs.

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