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Vent Cutting Pistol Alerta

Un producto de Dutch Poultry Technology

Dutch Poultry Technology - Vent Cutting Pistol Precio y disponibilidad

  • Vacuum-powered vent cutting pistol which cuts the vent hole of the bird.

  • Precise and efficient vent removal.

  • A cost-effective tool to semi-automate the evisceration process and reduce line personnel.cost-effective tool to semi-automate the evisceration process and reduce line personnel

  • precise and efficient vent removal

  • fecal matter  is automatically sucked away to reduce the risk at contamination

  • with weight balancer to reduce operator fatigue – tool will become almost weightless in the hands of an operator! 

  • scope of supply includes hoses, regulators, lubricators

  • vacuum system and air compressor not included but also available on customer request

    Fotos del producto Vent Cutting Pistol de Dutch Poultry Technology 1 Foto

  • Dutch Poultry Technology - vc_gun_assembly.png

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Dutch Poultry Technology

Dutch Poultry Technology
DUTCH POULTRY TECHNOLOGY B.V. is a Dutch manufacturing and engineering company specialized in the design, manufacturing and installation of cost-effective, reliable, easy to install and operate poultry processing solutions for processing 500 – 6000 birds per hour.
Our semi- and full automatic processing solutions are based on proven technology and 30+ years of automatic processing experience. Lean engineering and manufacturing greatly reduce production, installation and operation costs.

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