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2001 Empresas

La empresa familiar Schippers es una innovadora organización de venta internacional con “Passion for Farming” (pasión por lo agrícola), que apuesta por la ganadería intensiva responsable. Schippers suministra un paquete total de productos y servicios para poder gestionar bien una empresa agraria. Con este paquete total, en combinación con las divisiones especializadas de productos, Schippers se convierte...
Trade-Unlimited B.V. was founded in 1995 by the current owners Era and Hans Snijders. At that time Trade-Unlimited B.V. was situated in Achterveld (the Netherlands). Later, in 1998, the company relocated to a new property in Nieuw-Milligen (the Netherlands). From the beginning, Trade-Unlimited B.V. has played a role in the agricultural sector starting with the sales...
THE LEADER IN YEAST SOLUTIONS... With more than 30 years experience on the feed additives market, Lesaffre Feed Additives (LFA) is one of the leading companies in probiotics and yeast based product application for animal feed. LFA is the Animal Nutrition & Health division of Lesaffre Group, the world leader in yeast and yeast extract production. Widely recognized as a key player in the animal...
Conocimiento y experiencias son las palabras clave en Intracare. La empresa consigue con ellas toda clase de soluciones prácticas e innovadoras para el comercio agrario. Intracare aporta así su grano de arena a la rentabilidad del comercio agrario. Observemos por ejemplo Intra Hydrocare. Este es un producto de purificación para sistemas de agua potable, tanto para el ganado como con fines humanos....
Kiotechagil supplies high performance natural feed additives to the aquaculture and agriculture markets. It brings together the expertise of Kiotech and Agil across the three key protein sources of poultry, pig and fish. Kiotechagil has a distribution network in over 50 countries and aims to be the leading player in supplying high performance natural feed additives - enhancing health, growth and sustainability...